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Types of Commercial Garage Doors

As an architect, determining the best garage door fit for a business can be challenging. To select the best model for your clients, you should evaluate a few points.

First, knowing the use of the door will help determine which model is the best fit for the business. Additionally, the intended use will highlight what features you should add to make the door functional and safe. The building's size, whether your client has headroom and the need for insulation will also affect the door.

Discovering ways to make the door complement the rest of the building will be easier once you know what options you have. Below, we've listed common commercial garage and counter doors you may be considering for your client and provided a description of their intended uses and benefits.

Overhead Doors

1. Overhead Doors

There are many types of commercial overhead doors. These doors can have motor or manual operation, and run until they're horizontal with the track when you open them. You can choose from a variety of materials for the door's construction and can easily change the aesthetic appeal while still upholding safety standards.

These doors can have thermal insulation that reduces noise and keeps air inside of the building. You can also opt for heavy-duty doors that resist wind, dampness, temperature extremes and rain.

You can usually find aluminum and glass overhead doors in places that demand visual access and natural light, such as restaurants, car dealerships and service stations. Sectional steel overhead doors use high-quality materials, require little maintenance and have lower upfront costs.

2. Roll-Up Doors

Roll-up doors are convenient for tight fits or otherwise unusually sized openings. Where overhead space is limited, these doors provide a great alternative. They're durable and offer high security.

Instead of resting horizontally with the track, these doors roll into a single coil and have very thin slats. These doors can be high-performance to include insulation or additional security measures. Roll-up doors are ideal for warehouses and similar types of buildings because they don't take up as much overhead space and provide quick entrances and exits.

3. Fire-Rated Doors

Fire-rated doors will automatically close if there's a fire inside the building, and they can meet rigorous fire safety standards. You can use fire-rated doors as counter shutters, service doors and the main entrance.

These doors function similarly to roll-up doors but provide more protection because they're constructed of fire-resistant materials and offer more insulation. Parking garages, distribution centers and warehouses are great places for these types of doors.

4. Counter Shutters

Counter shutters are smaller doors usually located in the wall opening of a building. These commercial doors are excellent for food, ticket and product sales at sporting events, movie theaters, pharmacies, bars and kitchens.

They can be completely closed off, so no one can see inside, or they can come in the form of a security grille. They may have insulation and can act as an additional safety method for fire spread. Insulated doors will further protect products you don't want to expose to the elements.

You can also find custom counter doors to match client preferences regarding manual or motorized operation and weight.

5. Security Grilles

Security grilles can either fold to the side or up and down. These units are made of steel or galvanized aluminum and require an electric motor. They have advanced design and safety features, coming in a range of colors and patterns to fit the needs of businesses and individuals.

Upward coiling grilles are durable and easy to operate. These grilles lift up when not in use and are great for parking garages and similar businesses. Side folding grilles make a security barrier around entrances you can push to the side when the entrance is busy. These doors are perfect for airport concourses and malls because they don't need to protect merchandise or other objects from the weather but still effectively keep other people outside after closing time.

6. Max Protection Doors

Max protection doors have a plethora of safety features that can prevent burglaries, vandalism, and other forms of damage. These doors can also be a layer of protection from a natural disaster because they can withstand large amounts of impact and help keep spaces clear of rain, snow, dirt, and other natural elements.

Large home improvement and retail stores can use max protection doors to guard merchandise and materials against potential damage. You can connect these doors to an alarm system, panic button, or lockdown protocol.

7. High-Performance Doors

High-performance commercial garage door models have additional features, which can include insulation and the ability to absorb impact or move at a high speed. High-performance doors can be aesthetically pleasing while reducing the total energy and air loss from the inside.

These doors typically require less maintenance and rise or fall at higher speeds than traditional doors, making them great for those who need to return or exit in a timely manner. You can find high-performance roll-up doors, sectional doors, and security grilles.

8. Insulated Doors

Insulated doors have designs that save energy costs and allow for the safe storage of food and other sensitive items. These doors offer internal warmth, reduced noise, and fire protection. You can add insulation to most commercial garage doors, though some may be natural insulators.

Choose the Right Door With the Architect Portal

Choose the Right Door With the Architect Portal

The Architect Portal is a unique depository of resources you can use to design the door your clients dream of. Whether you need help with product selection, design support, or a technical question, we have tons of resources to quickly get what you need.

Our commercial download library will provide you with design aspects of our commercial doors and detailed specifications that will be vital to your design process. As you navigate through your options, you'll find access to data sheets with essential information about colors, finishes, product descriptions, assurance requirements, installation, warranties, and more. You can also utilize our custom drawing generator to create dimensional drawings whenever you need them. 

The Architect Portal team has expert knowledge and over 100 years of combined experience to bring you the support and resources you need to complete your next project. Contact our architectural design support today to receive expert assistance.